Jun '20
Mission Outreach
Jun '20
Welcome to Mission Outreach!
We serve and obey God’s commands to care for the poor and the sick, and to serve the community. Our goal is to involve all members of the congregation in mission work. Please explore the missions we support, our recent news, and our upcoming events!
One amazing thing about Christians – and MVPC members in particular – is our willingness to reach out and help others, even when we ourselves are in need. Now is a good time to remember Jesus’ admonition in Luke. Local charities are in need of help (financial or supplies). Some for you to consider: Three Square Food Bank threesquare.org; Salvation Army salvationarmysouthernnevada.org and Family Promise fplv.org. You can find more information about supplies they need or how to donate on these organizations’ websites.
Due to the building construction, we will be PAUSING all of our donation collections for Project 150, Westminster Food Bank, or any miscellaneous collections such as eyeglasses.
A new collection space will be designated once construction has been completed. Thank you for your support.
MVPC Missions
Click on the project icons to learn more about the organizations.
Project 150 is looking for volunteers to teach high school students life skills! Are you good at sewing? Know how to balance your check book? You can teach students your expertise and help them be prepared for the real world. Contact the church office if you are interested!
Interested in volunteering with any of our Mission Outreach projects? Fill out the registration form and a MVPC member will contact you!
What’s New?
Salvation Army Food Drive
The first Sunday of each month, non-perishable food items are needed.
Family Promise Volunteer Form is not currently available
Ongoing Programs
Salvation Army Food Collection
On the first Sunday of each month, non-perishable food items are collected for the Salvation Army Food Bank.
Old eyeglasses are given to a local optometrist who re-fits them to provide free glasses to school children.
Collection for Westminster PC
The committee also has initiated an ongoing collection program for travel size personal care items, gently-used clothing, shoes, household items, books and toys. The box will be located in Fellowship Hall and the donated goods will be taken on a weekly basis to Westminster Presbyterian Church, to be distributed during their food bank days. If you are interested in helping us coordinate this, please contact Tami Samek tami@testsite.mviewpc.org or 702-341-7800 and she will forward your name to us.
Collection for Project 150 Teens
Clothing, jewelry and regular size personal care items
Collection for Pet Ministry
Food, supplies, old towels
Grocery Certificates and Gift Cards
By participating in our Grocery Program, a portion of your purchases returned to MVPC:
1. Smith’s. Smith’s program, called Inspiring Donations, rebates to the Church a portion of your purchases. Please update the
registration of your Smith’s Reward Card number (or phone number) at www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/inspire. The Church’s
organization number is CF673. After registration, every purchase at Smith’s earns money for the Church.
registration of your Smith’s Reward Card number (or phone number) at www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/inspire. The Church’s
organization number is CF673. After registration, every purchase at Smith’s earns money for the Church.
2. Albertsons and Vons. Purchase Albertsons gift cards, which are useable at all Albertson’s, Vons and other affiliated stores
across the country, including Acme, Jewel, Osco and Safeway. Albertson’s gives the Church 5% of the amount of the gift card
purchased ($100 gift card = $5 to MVPC).
When multiplied by dozens of participants, our returns become substantial. You can purchase Albertsons gift cards from Jeff Patterson between Sunday morning services or contact the church office. YOU CAN NOW MAKE PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD OR VENMO APP
across the country, including Acme, Jewel, Osco and Safeway. Albertson’s gives the Church 5% of the amount of the gift card
purchased ($100 gift card = $5 to MVPC).
When multiplied by dozens of participants, our returns become substantial. You can purchase Albertsons gift cards from Jeff Patterson between Sunday morning services or contact the church office. YOU CAN NOW MAKE PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD OR VENMO APP