
Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministries


 MVPC Book Club

The July selection is Cooking for Picasso by Camille Aubray.
The August selection is The Huntress by Kate Quinn. 
Here are some other intriguing reading selections:
The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict
The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
“Once you read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you ”  Louis L’Amour
Happy Reading!

Health Ministry/Parish Nurse

Thoughts from your Parish Nurse

Hello MVPC!

Happy July 2020, MVPC!
We are half- way through 2020 and have been apart for what sometimes feels like an eternity to me. We wear our facemasks, social distance, wash our hands and don’t touch our faces. We respect, and some fear, our new invisible enemy, the COVID-19 virus. We stay home or go out cautiously.
As time passes, more lives are lost, more are sickened, and more test positive, some without having known they carry the virus and can pass it on to others. Scientists, medical professionals and researchers delve deeper and deeper into understanding “the enemy” and search for a way to annihilate that vicious virus. Health care workers work tirelessly to save those they can. Politicians try to make much of it a “Red” or “Blue” issue.
Then, just as we are starting to adjust to this so-called new normal we live in, we have something else with which we must come to terms. I’m speaking of the untimely death of a black man under the knee of a white police officer that sparked protests, riots and demands for change. And, not for only this man, but for countless more men and women whose unjust persecution, devaluation, tyrannizing and deaths have been “swept under the rug”.
While you may not completely agree with all that is said or done, or the movement’s “war cry” we must all truly acknowledge the validity of the problem. I know I do. I also acknowledge that while I thought I didn’t have a racist bone in my body, I still found one or two lurking, much to my disdain. And I also acknowledge that I, as a privileged white person, cannot completely comprehend the entirety of the painful differences and fears people of color have had to face all their lives. But, I know it’s not nice, and I would not wish for myself or my family to endure similar.
And you know what else? I acknowledge that I am a part of the problem! So, I am determined to get educated, and thereby hope to gain greater understanding and compassion. This is not simply a skin color issue. It is a cultural issue. It is an issue of “We are different from them,” and “They are different from us”. As Christians, we know all humanity is created by God, and all are equal in His sight and heart. Until we can move that knowledge from our individual intellects into our hearts and souls, can we hope for true change? Can we effect change for all those we see as different – races, cultures, beliefs? Can we truly love all of God’s children? I pray so.
I pray for the day that all free people can live free. Free from fear, discrimination and bias.
As you contemplate on all of the above, let me remind you should we chose to continuously dwell on negativity, we damage ourselves emotionally and spiritually. I hope you won’t do that. Try to dwell on what is good… Recite to yourselves Philippians 4:8, Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. (NIV)
In the love of Christ,
Blessings and health,

Health Ministry Team Members 

We are excited to introduce the Health Ministry Team Members! Dian Ward, RN, Paula Anderson, Tim Friday, Laura Martin, Tim Martin, and Beverly Norton. 

Medical Equipment and Supplies

We have been asked what can be done with these items you no longer use or need. Our suggestion is donating to a local organization that is willing to take unused supplies. Many hospitals and home healthcare companies take supplies to give to patients who are unable to afford them on their own. Call them to inquire.
Other places which may offer pick up services include:
The American Red Cross Las Vegas – Phone (702) 791-3311,
The Salvation Army Southern Nevada – Phone (702) 870-4430
Viet Nam Veterans of America – Phone (702) 384-VETS (8387)
It may take you a couple phone calls, but it is worth it to know those items are helping someone else.


Cancer Support Group

What makes this group different than the others out there? It is spiritually based! The support you’ll find at these meetings comes not only from others who are walking or have walked the cancer road. Your support and strength come from the Lord!!
The understanding and insight shared by others who have experienced living with, dealing with and battling cancer is such as no one else can offer. Many friends and family may love you, show you support in any way they can. Others, maybe not so much, because cancer is too much for them to handle or even think or speak about. However, someone who has walked the walk you are on understands as no one else can. The benefit of this, as well as the prayer support offered is priceless.
Helping and leaning on one another, whether you are in active treatment, now in remission or are now considered cancer free is truly such a blessing to you and the others whose lives and spirits you touch!
Come join our strictly confidential group on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Gather and get acquainted at 6PM upstairs in the Esther Room. The meeting starts at 6:30PM. Please tell a friend or acquaintance who has or has had cancer if they would like a spiritual approach to group support. They do not need to be a member of MVPC. Tim and Willette, the group facilitators will give you and them a very warm Christian welcome!

First Aid Kits

All old and out of date kits and contents are now replaced with new, more efficient kits. You’ll know where they are by the Red and White First Aid signs placed at each location. This was an all team effort. Thanks to all who volunteered, and to Tim Friday for the detailed inventory!

Something New: “MVPC Friends” 

We are looking for people who would like to be a special friend to one of our church family who live alone and are lonely.  Your person could be a shut-in, or someone who gets out and about but could use some regular communication with a Christian friend who cares. If your heart and your prayers lead you to this caring ministry, please sign the Interest Sheet in the Narthex. With enough interest, we will hold a short meeting in the future with more details. Teens are welcome to become an MVPC Friend, too!

Mission Outreach

Welcome to Mission Outreach!
We serve and obey God’s commands to care for the poor and the sick, and to serve the community. Our goal is to involve all members of the congregation in mission work. Please explore the missions we support, our recent news, and our upcoming events!

One amazing thing about Christians – and MVPC members in particular – is our willingness to reach out and help others, even when we ourselves are in need. Now is a good time to remember Jesus’ admonition in Luke. Local charities are in need of help (financial or supplies). Some for you to consider: Three Square Food Bank; Salvation Army and Family Promise You can find more information about supplies they need or how to donate on these organizations’ websites.



Due to the building construction, we will be PAUSING all of our donation collections for Project 150, Westminster Food Bank, or any miscellaneous collections such as eyeglasses.
A new collection space will be designated once construction has been completed.  Thank you for your support.

MVPC Missions

Click on the project icons to learn more about the organizations. 
Project 150 is looking for volunteers to teach high school students life skills! Are you good at sewing? Know how to balance your check book? You can teach students your expertise and help them be prepared for the real world. Contact the church office if you are interested!
Interested in volunteering with any of our Mission Outreach projects?  Fill out the registration form and a MVPC member will contact you!

Mission Outreach Volunteer Form

What’s New?

Salvation Army Food Drive

The first Sunday of each month, non-perishable food items are needed.

Family Promise Volunteer Form is not currently available


Ongoing Programs


Salvation Army Food Collection
On the first Sunday of each month, non-perishable food items are collected for the Salvation Army Food Bank.
Old eyeglasses are given to a local optometrist who re-fits them to provide free glasses to school children.
Collection for Westminster PC
The committee also has initiated an ongoing collection program for travel size personal care items, gently-used clothing, shoes, household items, books and toys. The box will be located in Fellowship Hall and the donated goods will be taken on a weekly basis to Westminster Presbyterian Church, to be distributed during their food bank days. If you are interested in helping us coordinate this, please contact Tami Samek  or 702-341-7800 and she will forward your name to us.
Collection for Project 150 Teens
Clothing, jewelry and regular size personal care items
Collection for Pet Ministry
Food, supplies, old towels
Grocery Certificates and Gift Cards
By participating in our Grocery Program, a portion of your purchases returned to MVPC:
1. Smith’s. Smith’s program, called Inspiring Donations, rebates to the Church a portion of your purchases. Please update the
registration of your Smith’s Reward Card number (or phone number) at The Church’s
organization number is CF673. After registration, every purchase at Smith’s earns money for the Church.
2. Albertsons and Vons. Purchase Albertsons gift cards, which are useable at all Albertson’s, Vons and other affiliated stores
across the country, including Acme, Jewel, Osco and Safeway. Albertson’s gives the Church 5% of the amount of the gift card
purchased ($100 gift card = $5 to MVPC).
When multiplied by dozens of participants, our returns become substantial. You can purchase Albertsons gift cards from Jeff Patterson between Sunday morning services or contact the church office.   YOU CAN NOW MAKE PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD OR VENMO APP

Bible Studies


Zoom Bible Study – The Book of Hebrews

Wed. Online at 6 pm 
Class leader:  Pastor David
June 3 – August 26, 2020
The link will be sent to your email address.

RightNow Media – On Demand

New RightNow Media Video Series…Bible Unearthed™
See the Bible come alive through archaeology. Join a team of archaeological experts at dig sites and museums throughout
Israel and the Mediterranean region and explore the history, importance, and impact of archaeology from a biblical
This is a twelve-part series that you can watch at your convenience, each video is from 13-16 minutes in length. Speakers are Dave Stotts, Titus Kennedy, and Randall Niles, join them as they explore the Bible in Bible Unearthed™
RightNow Media is a free service offered to MVPC members/guests/friends. You will have exclusive access to hundreds of Bible studies, led by world-class teachers along with a multitude of Christian-based videos for your family to enjoy.
Sign up for RightNow Media today, simply email Tami Samek, Ministry Coordinator at and she will set you up and you can start accessing great Bible-based studies/videos like Bible Unearthed™ today!

Stephen Ministry


Are you having a tough time dealing with home confinement?

MVPC has Stephen Ministers available to talk with you. Stephen Ministers are trained to help you through this challenging time that may be filled with stress, anxiety, and loneliness. A Stephen Minister is a caring Christian friend who provides emotional and spiritual support. Call the church office (702-341-7800) if you would like a Stephen Minister to reach out to you. We are here for you!
“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Why Stephen Ministry?

Because the Bible tells us to:

“Love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12
“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

 “Encourage one another and build up each other.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11a
“Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15
“Serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13
 “Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic; love as brothers and sisters; be compassionate and humble.”
1 Peter 3:8

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as in Christ, God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

If you would like to request a Stephen Minister or become a Stephen Minister, please contact our church office at 702-341-7800

Music Ministry

Sunday Free Concert Series

A variety of Sunday afternoon concerts are held throughout the year. In lieu of admission, a goodwill offering is taken at each performance.


The Next Concert series will be on March 22nd at 3:00 p.m. in the MVPC Sanctuary. CANCELED

Handbell Choir

Louis Syrovy is our Handbell Director.
Rehearsals are on Monday at 5:30 pm in the Chapel.

Chancel Choir

Dr. Mark Wherry, Director of Music, leads MVPC’s adult choir.  Rehearsals are on Wednesday at 7 pm.

Praise Team

Bridgette Foster, Worship Leader, leads our Praise Team during the Contemporary Worship Service.  Practice is on Thursday at 5 pm.

Pet Ministry

Fur Wheel (Prayer wheel for pets)

Pet Ministry is now doing a prayer wheel; the new “Fur Wheel” has been Launched! Anyone requiring any form of pet prayers should contact Tammy Roth, at If unable to reach, Melissa Malfara is a secondary contact at,
Blessings to All!

Adventurers (Over 50’s)

For more info contact the church office.

Small Groups

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Try a new thing … Grow in your Spiritual Life 
Come and check out these small groups.

Dinner for Six

Learn to Knit


Adult Bible Study