Fellowship (Gather Ministry)


Adventurers (for ages 50 and older)

Join this group on monthly outings as they explore venues and attractions in and around the Las Vegas Valley.  Church van transportation is available.





Coffee Fellowship

Please join us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings for refreshments at 9:30 and 11:30 am.  During the week, we invite you to participate in any of our small and large group activities.

Knitting Group 

Mary Ann Clark teaches a Knitting class on Friday at 2 pm.

Mexican Train (Dominoes)

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for Mexican Train at 1 pm on Tuesday.


Join us in the Fellowship Hall for  Bridge at 1 pm on Wednesday.


Join us in the Fellowship Hall for Euchre at 6:30 pm on the 3rd Tuesday

Dinner for Six Groups


Lunch Bunch  


Men’s Breakfast

Join us at 8am on the first Wed. of each month at The Summit, 2215 Thomas Ryan, Las Vegas 89134.