1 Peter 4: 10   “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good Stewards of God’s grace.”


The Stewardship Committee’s purpose is to continually develop and nurture our congregation’s acceptance of our Stewardship commitments, and help us all realize our God-given gifts.

Enthusiastic individual commitments of our Time, Talent, and Treasure are essential to Mountain View Presbyterian Church “Growing In Christ….Sharing His Light.”

MVPC is a Four by Four church–

Four special offerings collected throughout the year.  As you plan for your year-end giving, consider supporting one or more of these special, denomination-wide offerings. Just indicate on your check or the donation envelope the offering fund to which you would like your gift directed.
One Great Hour of Sharing during the Easter season provides relief to those affected by natural disasters, food for the hungry and support of the self-development of poor and oppressed communities.
The Pentecost Special Offering helps us to invest in our youth here and around the world. 40% of this offering stays with our church.
The Peace and Global Witness Special Offering in October provides an opportunity to share the peace of Christ by promoting ministries of reconciliation and peace around our country and the world. 25% of this offering stays with our church.
The Christmas Joy Special Offering, which will be collected in December, provides financial assistance to those who have dedicated their lives to the church and supports leadership development and education for students in Presbyterian-related schools and colleges.

Some Thoughts for Caring Through the Holiday Season

As we enter into the holiday season, it is so important to remember the members and friends in our congregations who may be dreading the coming weeks. Many of us have wonderful plans to be with family members and friends, to decorate our homes, to attend celebrations and parties, to cook and bake special treats. But for others who may live far from family or live alone or are grieving the death of a loved one, this time of year can heighten feelings of loneliness, isolation and grief. As church families, we have the opportunity to intentionally reach out to members and friends who may find the coming weeks painful or difficult. Here are a few suggestions:
First, take time to think of who in your church family might need a little bit of extra love and attention during the holiday season.
• Reach out to include persons who may be alone – invite to Thanksgiving Dinner, invite to a church concert, invite to your house to bake cookies. Invite and include!
• Arrange to go together to a special event so the person doesn’t have to go alone.
• Offer to help: Christmas shopping, writing Christmas cards, wrapping gifts, decorating the house, or whatever the person needs.
• Spend time together – go out for pumpkin spice drinks or hot chocolate, ask about holiday memories, look at photo albums, talk about past Christmas traditions, bake or decorate cookies.
• Visit – especially shut-ins or those in a care facility. Bring a small holiday treat – baked goods, a decoration for their room, a holiday mug, etc.
• Check in by phone or text every couple of weeks in the coming months to see how they are doing and if there is anything
they need. Remind them they are not alone or forgotten.
(Source: November 2019 Notes from the Presbytery of Nevada, Rev. Hilda G. Pecoraro)